The Coolest 123,456 Coins You'll Ever Own!
KASH is a peer-to-peer digital currency, established as one of the world's most exclusive cryptocurrencies. It's not only cool but also has a very limited supply, making owning KASH like owning a piece of an increasingly rare asset.
$KASH has a fixed supply of 123,456 coins.
$KASH is built on solana blockchain's SPL token program.
$KASH is immutable, renounced & liquidity tokens are burned.
How to get $KASH?

Download a solana wallet for mobile or web browser preferably Phantom wihch is easy and fast.

Buy some solana or deposit from any major exchange in your wallet for enabling transactions.

Search KASH or copy-pasta the official KASH contract address to swap into the world of KASH.
What the FAQ?
What is KASH?
KASH is a digital currency.
What is a digital currency?
A currency that can be used digitally worldwide on the internet.
Whats so different from cash?
KASH has fixed supply unlike cash that can be printed more.
How can i trust?
KASH is built on the solana blockchain using SPL Token Program.
What is a blockchain?
A blockchain is like a digital, unchangeable record book that's shared across many computers.
Who is the owner of KASH?
Just like cash or gold, no one is the owner but holders are the owners, and cash can be printed, gold can be mined but all KASH supply has been minted and can't be updated.
Where can i verify that stuff?
KASH smart contract can be verified here one it goes live!
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: $KASH is a crypto currency with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. Just because some people are getting ridiculously rich buying crypto doesn’t mean you definitely will.